Monday 28 June 2021

Class Industry and Audience


1) What was the point of BBC3 when it was launched? You can find the answer in the notes above.
The point of the BBC when it was launched in 2003 and supposed have a brand identity of being less serious, more fun, more young and fresh and quirky. 

2) Why did BBC3 go online-only in February 2016? (consider how young people consume media and give a statistic from the notes to prove your answer)
The BBC went online in February 2016, because they notice people watch TV at different times and they watch it on different devices for example Netflix, Disney and you tube. Less than 50% of the video consumed by 16-34 year olds is now via live TV.

3) How does Class meet the BBC's mission statement to 'inform, educate and entertain'? Use your own words and try to say how it is entertaining (with at least two examples from the episode) and how it is educational / informative (give at least two examples from the episode)
Class met the BBC's mission statement to inform educate and entertain the public by, for example they entertained the audience by the fight scene between Corakinus who is an alien and the diverse teenagers, they had futuristic weapons and a portal to their planet.
They Informed and educate the audience by having diversed characters such as Charlie who a gay alien, April's mum who is in a wheelchair because she was in a car accident as her husband tried to commit suicide.

4) Why did Class not do very well with audiences? Give three reasons in your own words. 
One reason why did Class did not do very well because Doctor Who was still making more series.This is because Doctor Who fans were still intrigued of the new series of Doctor Who. Another reason is that the series of Class was targeted at new Doctor Who fans. This is because they the audience could identify the similarities of themselves. Lastly is that Doctor Who was popular than Class when Class started. 

5) Why do you think the fact that it was a Spin-off show from Doctor Who was not successful?
Class wasn't successful because the audience required to watch it were not available because they were watching Netflix, you tube and Disney on their devices.
Another reason why Class wasn't successful like Doctor Who because Doctor Who wasn't in Class that much, and that time Doctor Who was still being made.

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