Friday 7 May 2021

Introduction to Science-fiction TV drama

 1) How does Class meet the conventions of a TV drama series?
Class meets the conventions of a TV drama series by using an Ensemble cast this means there are a group of characters with their story lines. From the trailer, I could see different diversities among the students (actors). Also, the show uses a convention called stereotypical stock by having a mother  who is shocked that her daughter is talking to a boy. This shows a stereotypical relationship between a mother and daughter. Lastly, Class uses a convention called episodic this means the series has episodes as Class has 8 episodes.

2) What conventions of the science-fiction genre can you find in the Class trailer? List as many as you can and use NCIS to help you.
Class has the conventions of the science-fiction by using Narrative. Inside of the Narrative is an  Alien Invasion. This is shown when an portal tear out of the door to space. Class has the conventions of the futuristic weapons.This is shown when the student used a laser gun to shoot the alien.

3) What other genres are suggested by the trailer (e.g. horror)? Is Class an example of a modern hybrid-genre show?
Class is an example of hybrid-genre so the show is a Sci-fi Drama because it shows a group of teenagers and Space Creatures. This shows when the aliens are coming out of the portal from the school doors.Class has genre of a Adventure because of the character talking about different planets.This shows when one of the students was in mars.

4) Class is a spin-off from Doctor Who. At what point does the character of the Doctor appear in the trailer?
The character of the Doctor appears in the ending of trailer.This is because the doctor is protecting the four student that know about the aliens.The Doctor appears in the point when the alien try to invade the school party as the caretaker to protect the students.

5) Who do you think the target audience for Class is? Is this a typical target audience for the science-fiction genre? Give reasons for your answer.
The target audience for Class are for people who are enjoy science fiction and who are coming of age. This because the target audience who enjoys science fiction and are coming of age would watch Class.

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